Token Facts
Everything you need to know about how WHL/WHLC made it to the blockchain!
Last updated
Everything you need to know about how WHL/WHLC made it to the blockchain!
Last updated
Circulating Supply
(1,000,000 WHL - )
Max Supply / Total Supply
1,000,000 WHL
Can new WHL be minted?
Was the founding team given an allocation?
Launch Style
Fair launch, 100% of total max supply was published to UNI-V2 protocol during the community genesis on February 16, 2021.
Was there a pre-sale?
Was there an ICO?
Is any WHL ever burned within the WhaleRoom ecosystem?
Token Type
ERC-20 social token compatible with the Ethereum blockchain.
Initial Community Liquidity
100% of the initial supply was added to Uniswap () so that WHL would have an initial value of $0.
Initial Value Math:
$1230.15 of ETH / 1000000 WHL
$0.00123015 per WHL
$0.00 per WHL (rounded)
Liquidity Locks by Community
Any holder in the community can lock up their UNI-V2 pool tokens to support the community pool.